“The beginning is always hard. Industry overcomes bad luck. Work is our Joy.”
Astoria Commercial Fisherman
is the spice of life
and professionally I offer a seasoned mix of skills, experiences, and expertise. My background includes marketing art and cultural events, producer of online celebrity events and of live community festivals and trade shows. My skill set includes facilitator, publisher, writer, and marketer. My specialty is small business and non-profits. From 1989 - 1999 I owned an events management and marketing company in Seattle, Washington, worked as executive producer of online celebrity and corporate events in Cupertino, California, and in non-profit management in Astoria, Oregon.
Cyndi Mudge

Welcome to my little corner of cyber space!
You'll find that I'm sturdy, dependable and low maintenance.
No, wait. That's my car.
What you can expect when contracting with Mudge Media is my complete devotion to meeting deadlines and ensuring you are thrilled with the results.
My expertise is in event management, non-profit administration, and marketing. My experience includes directing large-scale community events in Seattle and Astoria, owner of an events management firm in Seattle, and executive director for several non-profits.
BS in Marketing (2020).
Colorado State University -- Global Campus
Specialty in public relations & event management
My skills include meeting facilitation, event management, publishing, writing, media relations, social media content creator and marketing. I am fluent in a variety of Microsoft programs and know my way around a spreadsheet and financial statements.